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  • 申請2024年9月小一入學Application for Primary 1 Admission 2024

申請2024年9月小一入學Application for Primary 1 Admission 2024

日期: 07/09/2023

申請20249月小一入學Application for Primary 1 Admission 2024

() 交表日期及時間Submission date and time


25th September to 29th September, 2023

時間Time8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

() 遞交申請表時,須帶備下列文件 Please bring along the following documents

(1)       家長/監護人的身份證、護照或其他身份證明文件;

(2)       申請入學兒童之出生證書(香港出生證明書,或外地出生證明書,或獲在本港居留的身份證明書)正本及影印本;

(3)       如兄/姊在本校就讀,須出示有關證件,如兄/姊的出生證明書及學生手冊正本及影印本;

(4)       申報居住地址的證明文件(如差餉、水費或電費單等)正本及影印本。


  1. the parent/ guardian’s Identity Card, Passport or other identity documents;
  2. the applicant’s Birth Certificate (Hong Kong Birth Certificate, or Overseas Birth Certificate, or Permit to Remain in Hong Kong) and its photocopy;
  3. Birth Certificate of applicant’s sibling and school handbook of applicant’s sibling, together with a photocopy of the documents, if claiming applicant’s sibling is studying in the school applied for;
  4. proof of residential address (including but not limited to stamped tenancy agreement, demand note for rates, public housing tenancy agreement or water/ electricity/ town gas/ residential telephone bills) and a photocopy of  the document.

If applicant’s parents do not have time to submit the application form in person, he/she may authorize someone else to submit the form together with the photocopy of applicant’s parent’s ID card.
